While some new mothers completely get into the baby zone, the motto of my motherhood and pregnancy always was in line with the motto: „Staying a woman“. I never felt like becoming a helicopter mom or someone whose first and only reason to exist is her baby. Don’t get me wrong, my priorities definitely have shifted since giving birth. Every moment with Anna is completely new and exciting for me. My main focus is my girl, my boyfriend, my small family. But I am still me – and I’m taking the time to just be me and with me.
Keeping the balance
The first thing I had to learn to keep the balance between my own personality and my family, is to never measure myself against the super-powers of other women. At the same time, it’s equally important to give other mothers and families their space to find out what kind of parents they want to be. To never judge. Just let be. In other words, every mom, every child, and all of their needs are different. They can never be compared against each other. I had to teach this very valuable lesson to myself. So I am here to …