
How to wear silk in winter

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I can say that silk dresses are without a doubt one of my favorite pieces to wear in summer. Whenever you see a flowing silk dress or skirt, you instantly think of hot summer days. However, a silk dress can be super versatile.

A silk dress doesn’t have to be reserved for warm summer days. There are countless possibilities to style this chic and elegant basic for autumn and winter without freezing.

shop my look:

pullover – Joseph
silk dress – MANGO
bag – Hermès
sneakers- Louis Vuitton

Layering is the key

As always, the key to making your dress transition from season to season is for sure layering. You don’t need to save your elegant silk dress for special occasions, you can instantly dress ist down, by pairing it with sneakers and a casual top. Silk can easily make a statement. It has a certain shine to it and is likely to attract everyone’s attention. I really like wearing silk in a relaxed way. The easiest way to make a silk dress winter-proof is to layer it under a big chunky knit. It also perfectly works with a pretty turtleneck or a leather jacket for an edgy look. Silk dresses are always appropriate. Dress up a casual sweater or dress down a fancy silk dress.

My look in details

 I always love to combine statement pieces with neutral basics. This way you never look over the top. I wanted to find a relaxed and harmonious balance between the shiny silk dress and a basic knit jumper. Layered under a big knit, the silk dress doesn’t seem as shiny and formal anymore. I recently found my silk dress at Mango. I really like the maxi style. It has the perfect length for cool and casual layering looks.

Im wearing a chunky and super comfortable Joseph pullover. Joseph is my go-to label for versatile luxury staples. It stands for sharp cuts, neutral colors and high quality fabrics. My pullover is not only super warm but also extremely soft and cozy. I really love its classic look. You can never go wrong with some basic and high quality staples in your wardrobe. They instantly upgrade any kind of look without steeling the main actor’s show.

Sneakers instantly add a relaxed attitude to your look and easily dress a fancy piece down. I’m wearing my new Louis Vuitton sneakers from the current Cruise Collection. If you haven’t seen my blogpost about this beautiful collection yet, make sure to read it here.

Hermès is always a good idea. Especially when it comes to timeless bags. As you guys know, I love to invest in timeless designer classics. The black bag picks up the color of my shoes again and creates a harmonious outfit. A sophisticated yet super cozy winter look.


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Lisa Hahnbück

Lisa Hahnbück is a lifestyle, travel and fashion blog from Düsseldorf, Germany for women who love fashion and the latest trends and must haves of the season.

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